Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

Wong Kaya Kiye Kudu diKapake??

Ini mungkin curhatan yang secara jelas akan saya proklamirkan sekarang ini dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia bahwasanya siapaun dari kalian yang mencoba untuk menyatukan suatu organisasi dengan memancing upaya provokatif akan saya cekek sekarang juga kalau ketemu detik ini! Siapapun yang mencoba berupaya untuk menyatukan dengan cara ngrisuhi yang muda, akan saya tendang dan umpat sekarang juga. Saya tidak peduli dengan kalian yang sok sokan mengurus organisasi tetapi caranya kurang patut menurut kami.

Kamis, 08 Januari 2015


This is a daywith a full of fire in my heart, my brain, my hand, and full of part of body. I do not want dislike someone because if I dislike someone it is mean that I will be the person who are full with flaws in my heart, and maybe I am going to the hell. Hell of God. I do not want this. That's why I try to delete it from my heart. Anger and jealous are kind of the bad behaviour in deepest of mind and heart. My soul will be full of starches. I do not want this. So, this is time I write to my blog, in order I can manage my feeling now. Yet, It is not easy to forget something. 

Turn 'duty' to 'help'

Happy New Year for Everyone. Yeah we comes up with 2015, the odd year, hoping not freaky year. AMIN. Talking about a new life. Now on I have been becoming as an employee who will follow all the directions from 'above'. Sometimes I feel that it is okey if I just listen first before questoning something. Yet, till I know, I am a human being only that dunno nothing for the first time and the thing we do it just seeing, then asking many questions.