Senin, 13 Mei 2013

More Education

Assalamualaikum semuanya, selamat pagi, Ohayo gozaimasu.
Sehabis mandi, tentu segar sekali badan kalian ya pagi ini. Apalagi jika ada teh hangat yang menemani pagi kalian #gak ada sayangnya (kangen rumah). Kemarin saya lupa bercerita mengenai ujian saya ya, Proses Bisnis

Ok guys, this material is not really difficult but need deep understanding. The questi noon yesterday is how I can understand a entity? The exam told me to explain about one motion (up to me). I did not remember anything, except my own entity, proksima.  I told about my entity from start until finish because I have worked here for 3 years. So I know the composition of it. I was happy.

Now, tell about the more education when PNS (or studying exercise? tugas belajar I mean). It can not make your level is higher. I am surprised, I think I will be as executor not the management. Hadeh.

SO I think again that I should not resemble everything just deserve. This is the ruel. But I am sure I can. I look for knowledge not getting higher level in my job, I look for the knowledge for improving my life quantity, my thinking motvation, my self confidence, and pushing me create ideas.

What ever I do for country is not how high my education, but how I can deliver and apply my knowledge in country regulation.

So, never stop me get more education, I am not the kind of people who is crazy of high chair. 


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