Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Tunngu aku di masa depan

Mungkin aku terlihat tidak mengacuhkan dirinya tetapi sungguh aku tidak bermaksud untuk menghindarinya.

Ketika aku mencoba untuk membuka diri benteng terbesar dalam diri kembali terbentuk. Tameng ini menggeeogoti diri untuk tetap diam dan hanya menganggukan kepala sesekali. Aku mengatakan iya di hadapan teman-temanmu supaya engkau tidak diremehkan mereka. Aku menanggapimu dengan berkata iya, namun dalam hati aku tidak bisa sepenuhnya berkata iya. Biarkan waktu itu berkata iya tetapi di belakang aku akan mengatakan dengan singkat tidak.

You are considered as a pure man for your friends. You are not only called a young man, but you are a boy. How come I can enclose with you. I ever think that I will be the arrogant and selfish, just considering to myself. Nevertheless I do not want to pretend that I do not ignore you. Just maybe  you that can call me that I am the difficult one. Just thinking that I am ignoring you. It is better for you, me, and your friends.

Today is not the right time for choosing. I have powerful shield to protect me although I am not really sure I can defend my  it rightnow because of you.  However, I am defending to  expressi my impression to someone now. I only say wow in my deepest heart not bravely saying to another.

I have murmured that nowadays is not the right time. It is better for me (I do not think about you) that I live with my own world, my lonely room. I just imagine that in the next days I will meet you in different condition, not like today. I will say briefly that I impress you in front of your friend. I wish we meet in the mature age so we can think clearly for the next life planning. Not today that you have a lot friends who can affect your thinking, yout attitude, and your act.

 I wish I will meet you in the crowded road in the city that you never think that we will meet each other. We meet in different over view, you are in the north and I am in the south side. We walk crossing each other until we reach our different place then unconditionally we look backward to see each other to convince ourselves that we finally meet in the junction.

I wish we will meet in the place when only few people walking around us choosing books they like. We meet in differetn view but same shelf. We try to ensure that we finally meet again for twice in one day.

If God give the bless for us, I am sure we will meet again in the future. Then if God never give the chance for us to meet, so we do not have other way to meet. The opportunity I have today is give good impression and no more. My destination today is for my parents and my family. Maybe this is one of the threat from God to me.

I am sorry for the best. 

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